WOO Savio L-Y

摘 要:摘 要:肌腱韧带的损伤修复是临床医学实践中的热点和难点,其近几年的进展很大一部分应归功于生物医学工程与临床实践结合。本文主要介绍了当前生物医学工程领域对于韧带肌腱损伤研究的几大热点问题,并介绍了作者在膝关节前交叉韧带损伤的生物工程修复研究方面所取得的初步成果,后者对于临床实践具有重要意义。

Biomedical engineering and its important role to the healing, repair, and regeneration of ligaments and tendons
WOO Savio L-Y
Department of Bioengineering, Swanson School of Engineering University of Pittsburgh, USA

Abstract: Abstract: Repair of ligament and tendon injury is the highlight in clinical practice. Advancement in this field in recent years substantially attributes to the integration of biomedical engineering and clinical practice. In this lecture, the author introduced some focuses of ligament and tendon repair in biomedical engineering research at present, as well as some latest progress in bioengineering repair of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), which is of great clinical significance.
Key words: biomedical engineering; ligament and tendon injury; anterior cruciate ligament (ACL); tendinopathy

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