
阮梅花1 , 熊 燕1,2 , 刘 晓1,*
1中国科学院上海生命科学信息中心,中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所,上海 200031 2中国科学院大学,北京 100049

摘 要:

光合作用合成生物学(synthetic biology of photosynthesis) 是结合光合作用和合成生物学的跨学科研究领域;其利用合成生物学工具和技术,重编程或优化光合作用系统,以提高光能转化效率,支撑作物高产以及生物燃料、高附加值化学品和其他有价值产品的生产,是未来生物技术和可持续发展的重要研究方向之一。本文对光合作用合成生物学的战略规划、研发格局、研究热点、专利技术功效矩阵和技术重点、产业发展格局及研发趋势进行总结,为政府决策人员、科研机构管理人员、科研人员在开展光合作用合成生物学研究时提供信息支撑。

通讯作者:刘 晓 , Email:liuxiao@sinh.ac.cn

Current status and trends in synthetic biology of photosynthesis: from perspectives of industry, academia, and research
RUAN Mei-Hua1 , XIONG Yan1,2 , LIU Xiao1,*
1Shanghai Information Center for Life Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China 2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China


Synthetic biology of photosynthesis is an interdisciplinary research field that merges photosynthesis and synthetic biology. By leveraging synthetic biology tools and techniques, this field aims to reprogram or optimize photosynthetic systems to enhance light energy conversion efficiency. This advancement supports high crop yields, the production of biofuels, high-value chemicals, and other valuable products, positioning it as a crucial research direction for future biotechnology and sustainable development. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of
the strategic planning, research and development landscape, research hotspots, technological efficacy matrix and focus, industrial development pattern, and research trends in photosynthetic synthetic biology. The objective is to offer information support to government decision-makers, research institution managers, and researchers involved in this field.

Communication Author:LIU Xiao , Email:liuxiao@sinh.ac.cn

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