向 导,胡以平*

摘 要:


摘 要:对肝干细胞的认识,自卵圆细胞发现以来已经经历了五十多年。期间许多的研究提示和证明肝干细胞具有很好的生物医学应用前景。近年来,肝干细胞的概念已被广泛接受和认可,肝干细胞的生物学特性及其医学应用的探索也成为了研究的热点。目前在该领域中,主要以肝干细胞存在的位置、与其所处微环境的相互作用、肝干细胞的分子标记以及其分化特性等方面备受关注。肝干细胞的研究为肝脏疾病及其他相关疾病的治疗带来了新希望。然而,肝干细胞研究的过程中仍存在很多未解的问题,因此将肝干细胞研究引入临床应用则还需要更加深入的探索。


中图分类号:Q813; R657.3  文献标识码:A



Several aspects of liver stem cells biology
XIANG Dao, HU Yi-ping*
(Department of Cell Biology, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China)



Abstract: It is more than five decades since the oval cell has been found. During this period, marvelous bio-medical potential of the liver stem cells (LSCs) was implied and proved by many researches. The concept of LSCs has been accepted, and the investigation on LSCs has turned to be the hotspot in recent years. Most concentration in this territory is on the place where LSCs exist, the interaction between LSCs and the microenvironment, molecule markers of LSCs and its differentiation. The researches on LSCs have brought new hope for treatments for liver diseases and other disorders. However, because of the problems remained in the researches, more and further investigation on LSCs is needed in order to put LSCs from laboratory study to clinical therapy.

Key words: stem cell; liver stem cells; stemness maintenance; cell differentiation; cell therapy

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