冯立新1*,Martin Dym2
(1 上海交通大学医学院医学科学研究院,上海200025;2 乔治城大学生物化学与分子细胞生物学系,华盛顿,美国)

摘 要:


摘 要:生精干细胞(spermatogonial stem cells, SSCs)是动物出生后保持分裂能力的生殖细胞,其通过自身复制从而终生存在,并不停地进行减数分裂而分化成精子。然而,最近的研究发现生精干细胞具有一定的多能性,在体外可被培养和诱导成多能性细胞,显示生精干细胞是再生医学和细胞治疗疾病的另一理想祖细胞来源。该综述将着重讨论生精干细胞的多能性研究情况和相关问题。


中图分类号:Q813  文献标识码:A




Recent advances in the study of spermatogonial stem cells
FENG Li-xin1*, Martin Dym2
(1 Institute of Medical Sciences, Shanghai JiaoTong University School of Medical,Shanghai 200525, China;2 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular & Celluar Biology, Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC 20057, USA)



Abstract: Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are the only postnatal mitotic germ cells in the body;  they are capable of self-renewal throughout life, while undergoing spermatogenesis through meiosis to give rise to haploid sperm. Interestingly, recent studies demonstrated that SSCs could be induced to pluripotency in culture. Thus, SSCs could be an alternative cell source for regenerative medicine and cell therapy of diseases. The focus of this review is on the recent advances in the study of SSC pluripotency.

Key words: stem cell; spermatogonial stem cell; self-renewal; germ cell; pluripotency; gPS

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