蒋 婧,李劲松*

摘 要: 

摘 要:体细胞重编程是指分化的体细胞在特定的条件下被逆转后恢复到多能性或全能性状态,或者形成多能干细胞系,或者形成早期胚胎然后发育成一个新的个体的过程。诱导体细胞重编程的方法有许多,如核移植(nuclear transfer, NT)、细胞融合、细胞培养和通过导入特定因子获得诱导多能干(induced pluripotent stem, iPS)细胞的方法等。其中核移植和iPS技术是到目前为止诱导体细胞为多能干细胞最为完全、最具有运用于临床再生医学潜能的方法。然而,它们的效率都很低,机制也不清楚,如何将两个方法结合在一起,提高重编程的效率,揭示重编程的机制,进而促进其在患者特异性治疗中的运用将是下阶段的努力方向。




中图分类号:Q813; Q819  文献标识码:A

Application of nuclear transfer and iPS techniques in the study of somatic reprogramming
JIANG Jing, LI Jin-song*
(Laboratory of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China)


Abstract: The differentiated state of a somatic nucleus can be reversed to an undifferentiated stem cell with pluripotent state or a reconstructed zygote with totipotent state, which is defined as somatic reprogramming. Adult cells can be successfully reprogrammed into pluripotent stem cells in various ways, including nuclear transfer (NT), cellular fusion, culture-induced reprogramming and induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS) by expression of transcription factors in somatic cells, in which, NT and iPS techniques offer tremendous promise for future development of patient-specific therapy. However, the reprogramming efficiency of NT and iPS are still low and the mechanisms remain elusive. The future challenge will be to reveal the molecular mechanisms potentially underlying reprogramming of somatic cell using NT and iPS techniques together.


Key words: stem cell; nuclear transfer; iPS technique; somatic reprogramming; embryonic stem cell

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