陈 领1,王 倩2,陈 越1*

摘 要:摘 要:2008年动物学科共受理面上申请项目387项,青年基金110项,地区基金49项。经函评和会议评审,本学科资助面上申请项目95项,资助率为24.55%。青年基金项目21项,资助率为19.09%。地区基金9项,资助率为18.37%。该文对各分支学科的申请情况、不受理原因、评审和资助情况以及动物学科的研究现状和发展趋势等进行了总结和阐述。

Analysis of the projects in division of zoology by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in 2008
CHEN Ling1, WANG Qian2, CHEN Yue1*
1 Department of Life Science, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing 100085, China; 2 Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032, China

Abstract: Abstract: In 2008, Division of Zoology received 387 applications for General Projects, 110 applications for Young Scientists?Fund and 49 applications for Less Developed Regional Fund. After the peer review, the Division supported 95 applications for General Projects, accounting for 24.55% of the total received proposals. 21 applications for Young Scientists{$39}Fund were supported and accounted for 19.09% of the proposals received. Regarding to the Fund for Less Developed Regions, 9 projects were funded and the approval rate was 18.37%.  The paper analyzed the applying projects from each field, the reasons why some proposals were not accepted, the integrated situation of the peer review and sustentation funds, the problems existing in the project applications and the developing trends of animal science.
Key words: national natural science fundation; zoology; projects

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