李启剑,李 越*
(中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所 南京 210008)

摘 要:摘 要:1933年,遗传学家Goldschmidt提出“有希望的怪物”假说,以解释宏演化(macroevolution)中有别于“达尔文式”的演化机制。近年来,有关内共生和基因倍增等进展表明,“有希望的怪物”在自然界中其实非常普遍。这虽然与“现代综合进化论”的观点不甚一致,但却能在经典达尔文主义找到契合点:作为自然选择的补充,“有希望的怪物”可以为宏演化提供一种潜在的候选机制。这种建立在多元论基础上的进化观是达尔文留给后人最宝贵的遗产。

Hopeful monsters revisited
LI Qi-jian, LI Yue*
Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China

Abstract: Abstract: Geneticist Richard Goldschmidt hypothesized that macroevolution proceeded by the succeed of "hopeful monsters" in 1933, which was a kind of mechanism that was different from Darwinian mechanism? With the latest development of endosymbiosis and gene duplication, more and more evidences show  that there are a large amount of "hopeful monsters" in nature. This would be a challenge to modern synthetic evolution theory, but consistent with classical Darwinism to some extents: the hopeful monsters hypothesis, as a supplement of "natural selection" can provide a potential candidate mechanism of macroevolution. This view of evolution on the basis of polyphyletic theory is the most important legacy of Darwin.
Key words: hopeful monster; Darwinism; endosymbiosis; gene duplication

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