周 政
(华南理工大学广州汽车学院物理教研组,广州 510800)

摘 要:摘 要:传统的核酸分析中常采用放射性元素、荧光色素以及酶标记等基因探针,这些探针都存在着一些不足之处。 近年来,纳米金探针作为一种新型的基因探针,已引起了广泛的关注。该探针具有优良的光谱特征和光化学稳定性,对核酸的非特异吸附性小,与核酸等生物大分子结合后不改变生物分子的活性。将纳米金探针用于基因检测,具有操作简便、快速、安全、实验成本低等优点。本文就纳米金探针的发展过程、纳米金探针的制备、检测原理及其在基因分析中的应用等几个方面作了系统而全面地概述,同时介绍了纳米金探针的最新研究进展,并对其发展前景作了简要评述。

The application of gold nanoparticles probe in gene detection
ZHOU Zheng
(Teaching and Research Group of Physics, College of Guangzhou Auto, South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510800, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Traditional methods for gene analysis often use the radioactive, the fluorescent, or the enzymatic probes. These probes all have some disadvantages. Recently, gold nanoparticles as a new kind of gene probe have attracted wide attention. It has excellent spectral character and photochemical stability, and has little nonspecific absorption to the nucleic acids. The bioactivity of biomacromolecule wouldn抰 be changed after absorption on gold nanoparticles. The application of gold nanoparticles probe in gene detection has many advantages, such as simple, rapid, safe and inexpensive. This paper introduced the preparation of the gold nanoparticles probe, the detection principle, the application and the latest research progress of the probe.
Key words: gold nanoparticles probe; gene detection; detection mode analysis

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