乔 磊,崔继哲*
哈尔滨师范大学生命科学与技术学院,哈尔滨 150025

摘 要:摘 要:液泡是植物细胞的一个多功能细胞器,其主要通过膜运输系统执行功能。液泡膜转运蛋白可以控制细胞内物质的储存和运输,参与细胞内的应答胁迫反应,隔离毒性离子,防止细胞质受害,调节Ca2+浓度和pH,维持细胞内环境的稳定。本文主要对液泡膜转运蛋白在营养储存、逆境胁迫、细胞内环境稳态中发挥的作用进行综述,以期为进一步阐释液泡复杂生理功能提供一些借鉴。

Functions of tonoplast transporters in plant cell metabolism
QIAO Lei, CUI Ji-zhe*
College of Life Sciences and Technology, Harbin Normal University, Harbin 150025,China

Abstract: Abstract: Plant cell vacuoles are multifunctional organelles, its multifunction is supported by the vacuolar membrane transport systems. Tonoplast transporters could control the storage and transport of cellular substance, involve in responses to stress, isolate toxic ion to avoid poison,regulate cellular Ca2+ concentration and pH,maintain stabilities of cellular conditions. To better understand vacuolar抯 complex biological funtions, this review focuses on functions of tonoplast transporters in storing nutrients, tolerance of abiotic stresses, and maintenance of cellular environmental homeostasis.
Key words: tonoplast transporters; nutrients storing; abiotic stress; cellular environmental homeostasis

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