天津大学化工学院,天津 300072

摘 要:摘 要:酿酒酵母衰老机制的研究对解析高等真核生物衰老的分子机制具有重要意义。酿酒酵母有两种衰老形式:时序衰老(chronological aging)和复制衰老(replicative aging)。酿酒酵母衰老研究中通常使用的寿命定义有两种:世代寿命和时序寿命。前者是指单个酿酒酵母细胞在死亡之前的分裂次数;后者是指一定数量的酵母细胞在后二次生长和稳定期的存活时间。本文分别综述了这两种衰老形式的分子机制及两者的相同点和不同点。

Advances on mechanisms of aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Zhang Ai-li
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China

Abstract: Abstract: Studies on mechanisms of aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae have important reference meaning to uncover molecular mechanisms of aging in higher eukaryotes. Two forms of aging have been described in yeast, i.e. replicative aging and chronological aging. There are also two forms of life span in yeast, i.e. replicative life span and chronological life span. Yeast replicative life span is defined as the number of divisions an individual cell undergoes before dying. Yeast chronological life span is the length of time a population remains viable in the post-diauxic and stationary phases. Here, we review molecular mechanisms of two different aging models of yeast. And their similarities and differences of the two aging models were also discussed.
Key words: Saccharomyces cerevisiae; aging; replicative life span; chronological life span

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