王 萍, 房静远*

摘 要:摘 要:线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA)遗传信息量虽小,却控制着线粒体一些最基本的性质,对细胞及其功能有着重要影响。mtDNA的损伤与衰老、肿瘤等疾病的发生有关。DNA甲基化是调节基因表达的重要方式之一。mtDNA基因的表达受核DNA (nuclear DNA, nDNA)的调控,mtDNA和nDNA协同作用参与机体代谢调节和发病。本文就近年来mtDNA与DNA甲基化的关系作一综述。

The relationship between mitochondrial DNA and DNA methylation
Wang Ping, Fang Jing-yuan*
Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai Institute of Digestive Diseases, Shanghai 200001, China

Abstract: Abstract: Mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) determines the primary nature of mitochondrial and plays an important role in cell function.The damage of mtDNA is associated with aging, tumor and other diseases. DNA methylation is a major way to regulate gene expression. mtDNA expression is regulated by nuclear DNA. mtDNA and nDNA participating in metabolic regulation and pathogenesy synergisticly. The relationship between mitochondrial DNA and DNA methylation were reviewed here.
Key words: mitochondrial DNA;DNA methylation;gene expression;disease

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