邓 云,于 彬,覃文新*

摘 要:摘 要:细胞外基质不仅维持着体内细胞微环境的稳定,还在细胞的正常生长、增殖以及细胞之间的信号传导中起着重要作用。肿瘤发生时,基质中的分子组分发生了改变,这些改变朝着有利于肿瘤细胞生长侵袭的方向发展。在这个过程中,细胞外基质的主要成分在合成和分解上发生巨大变化,胶原分子便是其中之一,胶原分子作为细胞外基质中的主要成分,对细胞的黏附、运动、迁移等活动起着重要作用。随着研究的深入,发现越来越多的胶原分子参与了肿瘤的发生发展。基质中还存在着一些分子,它们在结构上和胶原蛋白一样含有三螺旋胶原结构域,在肿瘤的发生发展过程中同样发挥着重要作用。本文就包括胶原分子在内的含有胶原结构的分子在肿瘤中的作用做一综述。

Roles of collagen-like molecules in tumorigenesis
DENG Yun, YU Bin, QIN Wen-xin*
Shanghai Cancer Institute, Shanghai Jiaotong University of Medicine, Shanghai 200032, China

Abstract: Abstract: Extracellular matrix (ECM) maintains the homeostasis of the cell microenvironment in vivo, and also plays significant roles in the cell growth, proliferation and signal transduction between cells. While tumor occurs, the components in the ECM change, which contribute to the tumor cells growth and invasion. During this process, the components of the ECM have changed a lot, one of them is collagen. As a major component in ECM, collagen is important for the cell adhesion, mobility and migration. Furthermore, it has been shown that the types of collagens involved in tumorigenesis are increasing. There are also some other molecules which have the same triple helix collagen domain, and play their roles in the progression of tumor. Herein we review the roles of these molecules in the tumorigenesis.
Key words: collagen; tumor; collagen-like molecules

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