
李 荣1 , 范月蕾1 , 赵晓勤2 , 李丹丹1 , 陈大明1,*
1中国科学院上海生命科学信息中心,中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所,上海 200031 2上海图书馆(上海科学技术情报研究所),上海 200031

摘 要:

新药研发作为医药创新发展的核心关键环节,构成了新一轮生物技术革命与生物经济变革的核心领域。2024 年以来,基因编辑、人工智能(artificial intelligence, AI)、量子计算等新技术的持续突破提升了新药产业化效率,小分子化药、抗体药、细胞治疗药、核酸药物等新药赛道齐相发力驱动新药开发向“高能级”方向发展,一批重磅新药的上市给复杂疾病的诊治带来了新希望。本文系统梳理了2024 年获批上市的新药情况,同时,从“靶点- 技术- 适应证”三要素出发,基于全球进入临床Ⅱ期后的药物靶点形成逻辑图谱,揭示临床研究中的热门靶点情况,并分析了靶点、新技术等要素对新药开发的影响,以期为后续研究提供参考。

通讯作者:陈大明 , Email:chendaming@sinh.ac.cn

Analysis of research and development status of new drugs
LI Rong1 , FAN Yue-Lei1 , ZHAO Xiao-Qin2 , LI Dan-Dan1 , CHEN Da-Ming1,*
1Shanghai Information Center for Life Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China 2Shanghai Library (Shanghai Institute of Scientific and Technical Information), Shanghai 200031, China


As the key role in the pharmaceutical industry, new drugs research and development (R&D) constitutes the core field of the new round of life science and biological economic revolution. Since 2024, gene editing, AI, quantum computing and other new technologies improved the efficiency of drug industry, small molecule drugs, antibody drugs, cell therapy, nuclei acid drugs and other new drugs have driven the development of new drugs towards the "high-level" direction in multiple tracks, and the launch of a number of block buster new drugs has brought new hope for the diagnosis and treatment of complex diseases. This article systematically summarizes the approval of new drugs in 2024, at the same time, based on the global drug targets after clinical phase II, this article forms a knowledge map to reveal popular targets in clinical research. Besides, this article analyzes the impact of targets and new technologies on the new drugs R&D, in order to provide a reference for follow-up R&D.

Communication Author:CHEN Da-Ming , Email:chendaming@sinh.ac.cn

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