
常硕其1,2,* , 粟 琳1,2 , 欧阳翔1
1杂交水稻全国重点实验室,长沙 410125 2湖南大学隆平分院,长沙 410125

摘 要:

作物产量的90%~95% 来自于光合产物。在水稻产量三次飞跃的历程中,水稻单叶、群体是如何通过株型改良和杂种优势相结合提高群体光合效率,实现超高产育种目标?本文阐述水稻三次产量飞跃与光合作用的关系、光合作用改善在水稻高产育种上的运用、优化群体光合作用的技术及趋势,以及在水稻高产育种中光合作用的新关注点及挑战。

通讯作者:常硕其 , Email:changshuoqi@126.com

The relationship between the enhancement of rice grain yield and photosynthesis
CHANG Shuo-Qi1,2,* , SU Lin1,2 , OUYANG Xiang1
1State Key Laboratory of Hybrid Rice, Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center, Changsha 410125, China 2Hunan University, Longping Branch, Changsha 410125, China


The majority of agricultural output, around 90%-95%, is derived from the products of photosynthesis. How did the combination of plant type improvement and hybrid dominance in rice single leaves and populations enhance photosynthetic efficiency and contribute to achieving the objective of high-yield breeding during the three leaps in rice yield? This paper reviews the correlation between three significant advancements in rice yield and photosynthesis. It also discusses the utilization of photosynthesis enhancement in the development of high-yield rice, the techniques and current developments in optimizing collective photosynthesis, and the emerging issues and obstacles related to photosynthesis in high-yield rice breeding.

Communication Author:CHANG Shuo-Qi , Email:changshuoqi@126.com

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