
吕明菊 , 倪晓祥 , 赵永耀 , 黄榆慧 , 曹永森 , 王雨檬 , 杨建钊 , 王 滢 , 朱新广*
中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心,上海 200032

摘 要:

C4 光合作用是一种高效的CO2 同化机制,C4 物种仅占维管植物总数的3%,却贡献约25% 的陆地光合作用初级生产力。C4 光合作用大约在3 千万年前由祖先型C3 光合作用演化而来,在被子植物中独立演化了约65 次。这一演化过程涉及多种细胞代谢和叶片结构的改变,是复杂性状趋同演化的典型例子。近年来,随着C4 光合作用的分子演化被逐步解析,发现基因的复制为演化提供了遗传物质的基础。C4 相关代谢和叶片结构的调控机制也逐步被揭示,目前控制花环结构的关键调控因子已有报道,如短根基因(short-root, SHR)、稻草人基因(scarecrow, SCR)、类金色2 基因(golden2-like, GLK)、针状形成基因(pin-formed, PIN) 和不定域基因(indeterminate domain, IDD) 等;此外,还有多个控制叶肉细胞及维管束鞘细胞蛋白特异 性表达的顺式及反式元件的相关报道。本文探讨C4 光合作用演化的相关研究,并介绍C4 植物解剖结构和代谢的遗传学研究最新进展。

通讯作者:朱新广 , Email:zhuxg@cemps.ac.cn

The evolution and genetics on C4 photosynthesis
LYU Ming-Ju , NI Xiao-Xiang , ZHAO Yong-Yao , HUANG Yu-Hui , CAO Yong-Sen , WANG Yu-Meng , YANG Jian-Zhao , WANG Ying , ZHU Xin-Guang*
Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032, China


C4 photosynthesis is an efficient CO2 assimilation mechanism, with C4 photosynthesis species representing only 3% of vascular plant species but contributing to approximately 25% of terrestrial photosynthesis primary productivity. C4 photosynthesis evolved from the ancestral C3 photosynthesis around 30 million years ago and has arisen around 65 times independently in angiosperms. This evolutionary process involves different changes in cellular metabolism and leaf anatomy, representing an excellent example of convergent evolution of complex traits. Recent studies have suggested that gene duplication plays a pivotal role during the evolution of C4 photosynthesis. The regulatory mechanisms governing C4-related metabolism and anatomy have been progressively unveiled, including Short-Root (SHR),Scarecrow (SCR), Golden2-Like (GLK), PIN-Formed (PIN) and Indeterminate Domain (IDD). Furthermore, a variety of cis- and trans-elements that regulate the specific overexpression of C4 genes in mesophyll cells and bundle sheath cells have been identified. Here we review research progresses in the evolutionary history of C4 photosynthesis and the genetics of C4 anatomy and metabolism.

Communication Author:ZHU Xin-Guang , Email:zhuxg@cemps.ac.cn

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