
朱国辉 , 张智胜 , 彭新湘*
华南农业大学生命科学学院,广州 510642

摘 要:

光呼吸代谢起始于核酮糖-1,5- 二磷酸羧化酶/ 加氧酶(ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, Rubisco) 的加氧酶活性,代谢其加氧反应产生的2- 磷酸乙醇酸(2-PG) 并实现有机碳的回收。从演化角度看,光呼吸的出现是植物适应地球高氧和低二氧化碳环境的必然结果,它提高了植物对变化环境的适应能力,但降低了光合效率和生产力。此外,目前认为光呼吸不仅仅是一条代谢补救途径,而是整合到了植物整体代谢网络,影响有氧环境下植物光合作用等基础代谢。调节和遗传改良光呼吸代谢,是提高植物光合效率的有效途径。本文综述了近年来光呼吸演化、代谢调控以及遗传改良等方面的研究进展,对未来通过调控光呼吸以开展作物高光效改良进行了展望。

通讯作者:彭新湘 , Email:xpeng@scau.edu.cn

Photorespiration evolution, regulation, and genetic improvement
ZHU Guo-Hui , ZHANG Zhi-Sheng , PENG Xin-Xiang*
College of Life Sciences, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China


Photorespiration originates metabolically from the oxygenase activity of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), which metabolizes 2-phosphoglycolate (2-PG) produced by the oxygenation reaction of Rubisco to recycle organic carbon. From an evolutionary perspective, the emergence of photorespiration is inevitable for plants to adapt to the high oxygen and low carbon dioxide environment on the earth. Photorespiration improves plant adaptability to changing environments but reduces photosynthetic efficiency and productivity. Current research suggests that photorespiration is not only a metabolic repair pathway, but is integrated into the whole metabolic network of plants, influencing plant primary metabolism such as photosynthesis in aerobic environments. Regulating and genetically improving photorespiration is considered to be an effective approach to improve photosynthetic efficiency. This article focuses on the research progresses in the evolution, regulation, and genetic improvement of photorespiration. Some prospects for improving the photosynthetic efficiency of crops by manipulating photorespiration metabolism are proposed.

Communication Author:PENG Xin-Xiang , Email:xpeng@scau.edu.cn

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