
冯悦斌 , 於祯加 , 聂梓源 , 魏兰珍 , 马为民*
上海师范大学生命科学学院,上海 200234

摘 要:


通讯作者:马为民 , Email:wma@shnu.edu.cn

Advances, challenges, and future prospects of algal photosynthetic hydrogen production research in China
FENG Yue-Bin , YU Zhen-Jia , NIE Zi-Yuan , WEI Lan-Zhen , MA Wei-Min*
College of Life Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China


From the perspective of carbon neutrality, algal photosynthetic hydrogen production is considered one of the optimal modes for generating clean energy resources. Despite a late start in this field, China exhibits a distinct international superiority in developing oxygen scavengers and cell aggregates for algal photosynthetic hydrogen production. This article reviews and discusses the research progress, current challenges, and future directions of algal photosynthetic hydrogen production in China, aiming to provide a deeper understanding of the field and foster
its development.

Communication Author:MA Wei-Min , Email:wma@shnu.edu.cn

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