
米华玲* , 朱新广
中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心,上海 200032

摘 要:

光合电子传递是继光能化学反应之后的光反应过程,包括线性电子传递和围绕光系统Ⅰ 的环式电子传递两种类型。线性电子传递产生ATP 和NADPH,用于光合碳同化;而环式电子传递只产生ATP,没有NADPH 的形成。在原核光合生物蓝藻中,还有光合电子传递的电子共用电子载体的交替电子传递途径。在正常条件下,线性电子传递为主要途径,环式电子传递占的比例很小;但在特殊时期,如稻麦灌浆期以及变动的环境条件下,环式电子传递会被诱导,从而发挥光破坏防御作用。本文综述光合电子传递的相关研究,并分析其遗传改造的可行性。

通讯作者:米华玲 , Email:mihl@cemps.ac.cn

Photosynthetic electron transports and their improvements
MI Hua-Ling* , ZHU Xin-Guang
Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032, China


Photosynthetic electron transport is one of the light reaction processes after light energy absorption and excitation. It includes two types, i.e. linear electron transport and cyclic electron transport around photosystem Ⅰ, where linear electron transport produces ATP and NADPH while cyclic electron transport produces only ATP without formation of NADPH. There are several alternative electron transports in prokaryotic organism cyanobacteria. Under optimal conditions, linear electron transport is a main pathway and the proportion of cyclic electron transport is very small, but in special periods, such as the grain filling stage of rice or wheat and changing environmental conditions, cyclic electron transport could be induced and play a protective role. In this mini-review, we summarize the relative researches on photosynthetic electron transport, and analyze the feasibility of its molecular modification for crops.

Communication Author:MI Hua-Ling , Email:mihl@cemps.ac.cn

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