
侯莉娟1 , 张永祺1 , 杨 昕1 , 陈善广2,* , 毛兰群3,*
1北京师范大学体育与运动学院,北京 100875 2中国航天员科研训练中心人因工程 全国重点实验室,北京 100094 3北京师范大学化学学院,北京 100875

摘 要:

2023 年我国天宫空间站建设完成,空间站为探索宇宙及开展航天科学实验搭建了平台。大脑作为高级认知功能的调控中枢,在空间微重力等特殊环境下产生适应性变化保障航天员长时间太空任务的执行,而脑内神经化学递质是大脑稳态重塑中的关键调节物质,因此解析微重力环境下脑内神经化学物质的响应特征,能够为航天员健康及后续载人登月、深空探测等任务顺利实施提供理论参考。本文综述了空间环境下脑机制研究的动物实验平台现状,以及脑内主要神经化学物质失重响应的相关研究,并分析了活体脑神经化学分析方法的新原理及应用,为未来我国空间站开展脑科学领域神经化学活体研究和相关技术平台的搭建提供参考。

通讯作者:陈善广 , Email:shanguang_chen@126.com 毛兰群 , Email:lqmao@bnu.edu.cn

Research progress on neurochemical responses within the brain under microgravity
HOU Li-Juan1 , ZHANG Yong-Qi1 , YANG Xin1 , CHEN Shan-Guang2,* , MAO Lan-Qun3,*
1College of P.E. and Sports, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China 2National Key Laboratory of Human Factors Engineering, China Astronaut Research and Training Center, Beijing 100094, China 3College of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China


In 2023, China Tiangong space station was completed. It supplies an experiment platform for improving scientific understanding of the universe and carrying out the space research. The brain, as the regulatory center involved in cognitive function, was found to pursue adaptive changes in the special space environments to make sure of the astronauts’ task finishing. Neurochemicals in the brain play a key regulatory role in the homeostasis, so understanding their changes can supply theoretical support for astronaut health during future manned lunar landing and deep space exploration. This paper reviewed experiment platforms for animal research in space station, the response of neurochemicals in the brain, and analyzed the original theory of in vivo electrochemistry technique and its future application, aiming to provide references for space brain science researching and new ideas for setting up neurochemical technical platforms in China Space Station.

Communication Author:CHEN Shan-Guang , Email:shanguang_chen@126.com MAO Lan-Qun , Email:lqmao@bnu.edu.cn

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