
袁天蔚 , 阮梅花 , 朱成姝 , 张学博 , 熊 燕 , 张丽雯*
中国科学院上海生命科学信息中心,中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所,上海 200031

摘 要:

    慢性病是威胁人类生命健康的“头号杀手”,近年来发病率不断上升,且呈现年轻化趋势,防控形势十分严峻。本文围绕慢性病防控的政策支持、技术革新、场景应用3 个方面分析了2023 年的主要进展。政策支持方面,各国家/ 地区持续布局,推动慢性病防控科技创新发展;技术革新方面,医疗大模型赋能慢性病防控进入新阶段;场景应用方面,慢性病“预防- 诊断- 治疗”持续取得新进展,出现了更加主动的预防模式、更加精准的诊断方法、更加多样的治疗手段;并提出慢性病防控的未来发展趋势为“精准化”“个体化”“数智化”“一体化”。

通讯作者:张丽雯 , Email:zhangliwen@sinh.ac.cn

Progress of prevention and control of chronic diseases in 2023
YUAN Tian-Wei , RUAN Mei-Hua , ZHU Cheng-Shu , ZHANG Xue-Bo , XIONG Yan , ZHANG Li-Wen*
Shanghai Information Center for Life Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China


    Chronic diseases are the most important threats of human life and health. In recent years, the incidence rate has been rising and the patients have been younger, making the prevention and control situation extremely severe. This paper analyzes the main progress of prevention and control of chronic diseases in 2023 from three aspects: policy support, technological innovation, and application scenario. In terms of policy support, countries/regions continue to lay out strategies and programs. In terms of technological innovation, medical large models empower a new stage in the prevention and control of chronic diseases. In terms of application scenario, continuous progress has been made in the process of “prevention-diagnosis-treatment” of chronic diseases, which include more proactive prevention methods, more accurate diagnostic techniques, and more diverse therapies. Finally, this article looks forward to the future development prospects of prevention and control of chronic diseases.

Communication Author:ZHANG Li-Wen , Email:zhangliwen@sinh.ac.cn

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