
黄君瑶 , 樊 恒*
宁波大学附属第一医院,宁波 315010

摘 要:

脓毒症是机体感染反应失调所导致的一系列器官功能障碍综合征,自脓毒症被提出30 多年以来,它的诊断及治疗一直是临床医生关注的重点。中性粒细胞CD64 在近年来被广泛地认为是脓毒症早期诊断的良好生物指标,且对于预后也具有重要的参考价值。但中性粒细胞CD64 用于临床治疗的指导价值及其表达水平的相关影响因素尚不明确,仍需要结合其他生物指标及临床实际情况综合判断。本文就中性粒细胞CD64 在脓毒症诊断、预后、指导临床实践等方面的研究现状进行总结,以明确中性粒细胞CD64 在脓毒症中的应用价值。

通讯作者:樊 恒 , Email:peterbenny@163.com

The value of neutrophil CD64 in sepsis
HUANG Jun-Yao , FAN Heng*
The First Affiliated Hospital of Ningbo University, Ningbo 315010, China


Sepsis is a series of organ dysfunction syndrome caused by the dysregulation of the organism's response to infection. Since the proposal of sepsis more than 30 years ago, its diagnosis and treatment have been the focus of clinicians' attention. Neutrophil CD64 has been widely recognized in recent years as a good biological indicator for early diagnosis of sepsis and also has important reference value for prognosis. However, the guiding value of neutrophil CD64 for clinical treatment and the factors influencing its expression are not clear. So it still needs to be combined with other biological indicators and the actual clinical situation to make a comprehensive judgment. In this paper, we summarize the current status of research on neutrophil CD64 in sepsis diagnosis, prognosis, and guiding clinical practice to clarify the application value of neutrophil CD64 in sepsis management.

Communication Author:FAN Heng , Email:peterbenny@163.com

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