
何凤琴* , 田 贞 , 王 波 , 王子见
西安文理学院生物与环境工程学院,西安市秦岭天然产物开发与抗癌类创新药物研究重点实验室,西安 710065

摘 要:

社交互动的奖励特性对于社会行为的表达和适应性社会关系的发展至关重要。当个体受到应激时会导致奖赏系统异常而缺乏社会交往,出现情绪障碍并具有性二态。青春期发育中社会奖赏行为存在显著的性别差异,男性对社会奖赏敏感性大于女性;相反,女性对社会惩罚的敏感性高于男性。在青春期发育过程中,催产素/ 加压素(OT/AVP)、多巴胺(DA) 系统在奖赏环路的性别差异及OT/AVP 受体基因表达的多态性,是奖赏行为及情绪障碍性二态的原因,揭示OT- 社会奖赏- 情绪障碍性二态三者交互作用的神经机制,对开展精神疾病治疗有重要指导意义。

通讯作者:何凤琴 , Email:Hefengqin68220@xawl.edu.cn

The regulatory mechanism of sexual differences in social reward behaviors by oxytocin and dopamine systems during puberty
HE Feng-Qin* , TIAN Zhen , WANG Bo , WANG Zi-Jian
Xi'an Key Laboratory of Natural Product Development and Anticancer Innovative Drug Research in Qinling, College of Biology and Environmental Sciences, Xi'an University, Xi'an 710065, China


The reward characteristic of social interaction is very important for the expression of social behavior and the development of adaptive social relations. Abnormal reward system resulted from stress caused by lack of social interaction, can lead to mood disorders and sexual dimorphism. There are significant sexual differences in social reward behavior during pubertal development. Men are more sensitive to social reward than women; on the contrary, women are more sensitive to social punishment than men. The sexual dimorphism of reward behavior and psychiatric disorders is associated with sex-specific changes in the reward circuit, the oxytocin (OT)/ vasopressin (AVP) system, and dopamine (DA) system, as well as expression of OT/AVP receptors gene during puberty. This article will not only shed light on neural mechanism of sexual dimorphism of social reward behavior and mood disorders mediated by oxytocin, but also offer new preventive and treatment options.

Communication Author:HE Feng-Qin , Email:Hefengqin68220@xawl.edu.cn

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