
尹 涛 , 滕雨可 , 曾 芳*
成都中医药大学针灸推拿学院/针灸脑科学研究中心,针灸与时间生物学四川省重点实验室,成都 610075

摘 要:

经过20 余年的发展,针灸神经影像学逐渐成为了中医针灸研究领域特色鲜明的交叉学科。该文从“经穴效应特异性”、“针刺效应机理”、“针刺效应影响因素”、“基于神经影像表征的针刺疗效预测”四个方面对既往针灸神经影像学研究现状进行概述,并结合“大健康”和“中国脑计划”战略,从研究内容、研究方式、数据分析方法等角度展望了未来研究的发展方向,以期促进针灸神经影像交叉学科的持续发展。

通讯作者:曾 芳 , Email:zeng_fang@126.com

Neuroimaging in acupuncture research: current status and perspectives
YIN Tao , TENG Yu-Ke , ZENG Fang*
Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province for Acupuncture and Chronobiology, Acupuncture and Tuina School/Acupuncture and Brain Science Research Center, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu 610075, China


Over the past 20 years, the field of neuroimaging in acupuncture has emerged as a distinctive interdiscipline. In this work, the current status of neuroimaging in acupuncture research is reviewed from the following four respects: the specificity of acupoints, the mechanism of acupuncture treating diseases, the influencing factors of acupuncture effects, and the prediction of acupuncture efficacy based on neuroimaging data. And then, considering the general background of the Comprehensive Health and the China Brain Project, some perspectives of the future directions from the aspects of contents, methods, and data analysis are proposed, hoping to promote the development of this field.

Communication Author:ZENG Fang , Email:zeng_fang@126.com

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