
徐美玲 , 孙健英* , 李宗芸*
江苏师范大学生命科学学院,徐州 221116

摘 要:

着丝粒是由DNA 与蛋白质组成的复合物,是染色体上的重要功能位点,在细胞有丝分裂和减数分裂过程中参与动粒的组装,控制染色单体的配对与分离。真核生物的着丝粒DNA 含有大量重复序列且序列进化迅速,物种间相似性较低,因而着丝粒区域DNA 的组装成为全基因组测序中最困难的任务之一。植物着丝粒特异性组蛋白CENH3 可以定义活性着丝粒,其作为表观遗传标记以建立和维持着丝粒的功能。随着染色质免疫共沉淀、测序技术的发展并结合分子生物学、细胞遗传学、生物信息学的分析手段,我们可以进一步对着丝粒序列进行分析及定位,同时为其功能和进化等研究提供一定的依据。该文将重点介绍植物着丝粒的组成、功能、表观遗传现象、研究技术和测序方法等。

通讯作者:孙健英 , Email:jianyingsun@jsnu.edu.cn 李宗芸 , Email:zongyunli@jsnu.edu.cn

Research progress on the composition and function of plant centromeres
XU Mei-Ling , SUN Jian-Ying* , LI Zong-Yun*
School of Life Sciences, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, China


The centromere consisting of DNA and protein is an essential functional chromosome domain that participates in kinetochore formation and mediates faithful chromatids pairing and separation during mitosis and meiosis. Universally, the centromere DNA of eukaryotes is enriched with repetitive sequences that evolve rapidly and have few similarities among species. Therefore, the assembly of centromere DNA becomes one of the most difficult tasks in genome-wide sequencing. Plant centromere-specific histone H3 variant (CENH3) can define active centromere, which is used as an epigenetic marker to establish and maintain the function of centromere. As chromatin immunoprecipitation and sequencing technology develop rapidly with the analysis methods of molecular biology, cytogenetics and bioinformatics, we can further analyze and locate centromere sequences and investigate its function and evolution. This review will focus on the research progress of the composition, function, epigenetic phenomenon, and sequencing method of plant centromeres.

Communication Author:SUN Jian-Ying , Email:jianyingsun@jsnu.edu.cn LI Zong-Yun , Email:zongyunli@jsnu.edu.cn

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