
周凯笑 , 唐益庭 , 曹建平*
苏州大学医学部放射医学与防护学院,省部共建放射医学与辐射防护国家重点实验室,苏州 215123

摘 要:

肺纤维化是一种致命且不可治愈的间质性肺病,会被多种因素触发,包括过敏原、化学物质、电离辐射和环境因素等。根据肺损伤修复及肺纤维化的发病机制,大多数肺纤维化疾病在创伤修复三阶段( 损伤、炎症、修复) 中的一个或多个阶段出现调节障碍。相关研究表明,干细胞疗法可能通过分泌可溶性分泌组调节炎症和免疫反应促进受损细胞修复和再生。提取干细胞的分泌成分治疗肺纤维化不仅具有很好的疗效,还可以很好地解决干细胞疗法潜在的安全问题。该文综述了间充质干细胞的分泌组治疗在肺纤维化中的研究进展以及存在的挑战。

通讯作者:曹建平 , Email:jpcao@suda.edu.cn

Research progress of mesenchymal stem cell secretome in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis
ZHOU Kai-Xiao , TANG Yi-Ting , CAO Jian-Ping*
State Key Laboratory of Radiation Medicine and Protection, School of Radiation Medicine and Protection, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, China


Pulmonary fibrosis is a fatal and incurable interstitial lung disease that can be triggered by a variety of factors, including allergens, chemicals, ionizing radiation and environmental factors. According to the pathogenesis of lung injury repair and pulmonary fibrosis, most pulmonary fibrosis diseases have dysregulation in one or more of the three stages of wound repair (injury, inflammation, and repair). Studies have shown that stem cell therapy may promote damaged cell repair and regeneration by secreting soluble secretome to regulate inflammation and immune responses. The treatment of pulmonary fibrosis by extracting the secretome of stem cells not only works very well, but also can solve potential safety problems of stem cell therapy well. This article reviews the progress and challenges of mesenchymal stem cell secretome therapy in pulmonary fibrosis.

Communication Author:CAO Jian-Ping , Email:jpcao@suda.edu.cn

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