
周驰燕 , 李国辉* , 许 轲* , 郭保卫 , 戴其根 , 霍中洋 , 魏海燕 , 张洪程
扬州大学水稻产业工程技术研究院,农业农村部长江流域稻作技术创新中心, 江苏省作物栽培生理重点实验室,江苏省粮食作物现代产业技术协同创新中心,扬州225009

摘 要:

非结构性碳水化合物(non-structural carbohydrate, NSC)是参与水稻能量代谢的主要物质和维持水稻生长发育及响应环境调控的重要因子。蔗糖作为水稻茎鞘NSC代谢中心物质,是水稻灌浆期叶片光合产物和花前茎鞘中储存的NSC向穗部转运的主要形式,是籽粒灌浆的主要同化物来源。理解水稻蔗糖分配、转运机理及栽培环境调控途径对充分利用茎鞘NSC提高水稻产量具有重要意义。该文重点综述了水稻茎鞘NSC再分配及关键酶、蔗糖转运机理和调控,以及温度、水分和氮素等栽培环境对茎鞘NSC调控的研究进展,并对未来研究方向进行了展望。

通讯作者:李国辉 , Email:lgh@yzu.edu.cn 许 轲 , Email:xuke@yzu.edu.cn

Advances in translocation mechanism and cultivation regulation of nonstructural carbohydrate in rice stem and sheath
ZHOU Chi-Yan , LI Guo-Hui* , XU Ke* , GUO Bao-Wei , DAI Qi-Gen , HUO Zhong-Yang , WEI Hai-Yan , ZHANG Hong-Cheng
(Innovation Center of Rice Cultivation Technology in Yangtze River Valley of Ministry of Agriculture, Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Physiology, Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops, Research Institute of Rice Industrial Engineering Technology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China


Non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) is the main substance involved in rice energy metabolism, and also an important factor in maintaining rice development and responding to environmental regulation. Sucrose is not

only the metabolic center of NSC in rice stem and sheath, but also the main transport form of photosynthetic products in leaves and NSC stored in stems and sheaths before anthesis to panicle, and the main assimilate source of grain filling. Therefore, it is of great significance to understand the sucrose metabolism, transport mechanism and cultivation environment regulation of rice to make full use of stem and sheath NSC to improve rice yield. This article reviewed the research advances in redistribution and key enzymes of stem and sheath NSC in rice, mechanism and regulation of sucrose transport, and the regulation of cultivation environment including temperature, water and nitrogen on stem and sheath NSC, and discussed the future research directions.

Communication Author:LI Guo-Hui , Email:lgh@yzu.edu.cn XU Ke , Email:xuke@yzu.edu.cn

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