(陕西中医药大学基础医学院,咸阳 712046)

摘 要:摘 要:多种免疫细胞( 如单核细胞等) 经低剂量内毒素预处理后可产生对高剂量内毒素的耐受,这种免疫反应称之为内毒素耐受。内毒素耐受是一种由细胞因子信号通路下游负反馈激活的,具有防止炎症持续性伤害的免疫稳态维持机制,主要调控因子包括IL-10 细胞因子信号通路、细胞因子信号通路抑制因子和IL-1 受体相关激酶。另外,在内毒素耐受免疫反应中存在表观遗传修饰的稳定作用。现就内毒素耐受的主要调控机制及维持机制进行阐述。

The molecular regulation mechanism of endotoxin tolerance
LI Yu-Long
(College of Basic Medical Science, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang 712046, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Innate immune cells, such as monocytes, will become more tolerable to subsequent endotoxin after prior exposure to minute amounts of the same endotoxin. This is the so-called endotoxin tolerance. Endotoxin tolerance is activated through negative feedback mechanism, and the main regulatory factors are IL-10 signaling pathway, suppressors of cytokine signaling, and IL-1 receptor-associated kinases. Epigenetic modifications are also critical for the maintenance of endotoxin tolerance. Endotoxin tolerance plays critical role in preventing the sustained damage of long-term inflammation, and maintaining the balance of immune system. In this review, we summarize and discuss the regulatory mechanism and the maintaining mechanism of endotoxin tolerance.

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