《生命科学》 2019, 31(7): 644-650
摘 要:摘 要:再生医学为一系列无法治愈疾病带来希望,展现出巨大发展前景。近年来,生物技术的快速发展和学科之间不断交叉融合渗透,不仅促进了再生医学的更快发展,同时也拓展了原有的再生医学体系,推动再生医学进入发展新阶段。文章分析了国际再生医学发展新阶段的特征和发展趋势以及我国的发展现状,在此基础上提出了我国未来再生医学发展的政策建议。
Abstract: Abstract: Regenerative medicine brings hope to patients who can not be cured in the past and shows great development prospect in the future. Recently, the rapid development of biotechnology and continuously crossdisciplinary integration have not only accelerated the R&D of regenerative medicine, but also expanded the original research system, which pushed regenerative medicine into a new stage. This paper analyzed the characteristics and development trends of the new stage of regenerative medicine, as well as the development status of China, and also put forward policy suggestions for the development of China in this field.