《生命科学》 2019, 31(7): 637-643
摘 要:摘 要:人类遗传资源是开展健康相关研究的不可替代资源,中国丰富的人类遗传资源具有重要的研究开发价值。目前,美国已经建立起了较完善的管理体系,在重要管理环节制定了明确的指南和规范,确保个体隐私安全和国家生物安全的同时,最大限度地促进资源的开发利用。现通过对美国人类遗传资源管理现状进行研究分析,提出对我国人类遗传资源管理的建议,为完善我国人类遗传资源保护,促进人类遗传资源的开发利用,实现监管和创新的平衡提供决策参考。
Abstract: Abstract: Human genetic resources are irreplaceable resources for health related research. China's abundant human genetic resources have important value. At present, the United States has established a relatively complete human
genetic resources management system, and formulated clear guidelines in important management links, to ensure individual privacy security and national biological security while maximizing the development and utilization of resources. Basing on the research and analysis of the current situation of human genetic resources management in the United States, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the management of human genetic resources in China, so as to provide decision-making reference for improving the protection of human genetic resources in China, promoting the development and utilization of human genetic resources, and achieving the balance between supervision and innovation.