(广州医科大学附属第三医院生殖医学中心,广州 510150)

摘 要:摘 要:基因编辑技术极大地提高了对基因组靶位点精确修改的效率。人类早期胚胎发育的特异性和目前报道的上万种遗传突变的修复必要性使得基因编辑技术在人生殖细胞中的应用成为必然。对人生殖细胞基因编辑是一个新的领域,涉及到伦理的考虑。因此,这既是个科学问题,同时也是个社会问题。现综述基因编辑技术在人类生殖细胞应用的伦理之争和研究进展。

Research progress of genome editing in human germline cell
LI Guang-Lei, ZENG Yan-Ting, LIU Jian-Qiao*
(Department of Reproductive Medicine, Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou 510150, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Genome editing greatly promotes the efficiency of precise modification of target sites. It is necessary to edit the germline cell because of the specificity of human embryo development and the necessity for repairing thousands of genetic diseases. It is a new field to edit the germline cell, and it is not only a scientific problem, but also an ethical issue. This article summarizes the ethical discussion of germline cell editing and its research progress.

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