高 月,吴 奇,陈美玲,杨明耀*
(四川农业大学动物遗传育种研究所,成都 611130)

摘 要:摘 要:绝大多数国家的女性平均寿命长于男性。这种性别不同导致的寿命明显差异,一方面可能与男性和女性生活方式上的差异有关,另一方面则是由于男性和女性在生物学层次上的内在差异所致。有研究发现,性别间存在着死亡率与发病率悖论,即虽然女性较男性有明显的生存优势,但女性晚年的健康状况比男性更差。目前虽已有大量的研究积累,但是导致性别间寿命及健康状况差异的潜在机制尚不十分清楚。现对近年来性别差异影响寿命的发生机制,如性激素、端粒长度、免疫系统、抗氧化系统、遗传结构、基因组不稳定性以及老年性死亡率与发病率等研究进行总结归纳,并对下一步研究进行展望。

Research advances in the mechanism of lifespan differences by gender
GAO Yue, WU Qi, CHEN Mei-Ling, YANG Ming-Yao*
(Institute of Animal Genetics and Breeding, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Female life expectancy is generally longer than male in the majority of countries in the world. This obvious difference in lifespan could be due to different lifestyles between men and women and biological differences also. It was found that the mortality and morbidity paradox exists between the sexes. That is, although women have obvious survival advantages over men, women experience worse health in later life. At present, the mechanism of longevity and health differences between genders remain ambiguous, although increasing amount of research evidence could explain this phenomena. The purpose of this paper is to review the mechanism of lifespan differences influenced by genders in recent years, such as sex hormone, telomere length, immune system, antioxidant system, genetic structure, genomic instability and senile mortality and morbidity. Potential future research will also be discussed.

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