柯 芳#,郭晓林#,穆莉莉#,李 真#,洪登礼*
(上海交通大学医学院细胞分化与凋亡教育部重点实验室,上海 200025)

摘 要:摘 要:白血病是儿童最常见的肿瘤,了解白血病的起源对白血病的预防有重要的指导意义。洪登礼实验室的系列研究证实儿童白血病多起源于胚胎造血,这为进一步研究白血病起源机制,寻找预防措施打下重要基础。白血病治疗失败的主要原因是不能有效清除白血病干细胞(leukemia-propagating cells, LPCs),导致复发。最近,洪登礼研究室发现并报道,急性淋巴细胞白血病化疗在骨髓中诱导形成一个新的微环境(niche),保护LPCs 免受化疗杀伤,导致治疗失败。该微环境被命名为治疗诱导微环境(therapy-induced niche,TI-niche)。系统靶向TI-niche 有望彻底清除体内残留的LPCs,提出白血病的靶向治疗新策略。

The origination and revolution of leukemia-propagating cells and its niches
KE Fang#, GUO Xiao-Lin#, MU Li-Li#, LI Zhen#, HONG Deng-Li*
(Key Laboratory of Cell Differentiation and Apoptosis of Chinese Ministry of Education, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Leukemia is the most frequent malignancy in pediatric oncology, and the origin of leukemia is associated with etiology as well as therapeutics. Our previous studies demonstrated that most of childhood leukemias are prenatal in origin. These studies have implications in investigating the origination mechanism and in exploring prevention approaches. Recently we for the first time found and reported that LPCs build a protective niche in the bone marrow to evade therapy. The niche is called therapy-induced niche (TI-niche). Targeting TI-niche is expected to effectively eliminate the retained LPCs and thus to be a new strategy of target therapy.

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