周 丽1,史济洲2*,张 蒙1*
(1 安徽医科大学深圳市第二人民医院临床医学院,深圳 518000;2 胜利油田中心医院胃肠外科,东营 257000)

摘 要:摘 要:环状RNA (circular RNA, circRNA) 是一种共价闭合环状RNA 分子,主要在外显子剪接过程中产生。circRNA 有丰富的生物性状及功能,尤其可以作为miRNA 海绵(microRNA sponge) 参与到与miRNA 相关的疾病进程中,并可作为一个潜在疾病筛查指标用于疾病诊治。circRNA 在生物体中普遍存在,目前已知的circRNA 绝大部分是外显子circRNA。现归纳几种类型的circRNA 及其相关的生物合成、性质及功能应用,助于研究者了解circRNA 的研究现状及应用前景。

Several kinds of circRNA: potential molecular markers
ZHOU Li1, SHI Ji-Zhou2*, ZHANG Meng1*
(1 Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital, Clinical Medicine College of Asnhui Medical University, Shenzhen 518000, China; 2 Department of General Surgery, Shengli Oilfield Center Hospital, Dongying 257000)

Abstract: Abstract: circRNA is a kind of covalently closed circular RNA molecule and mainly arises from backsplice. circRNA has a variety of biology characteristics and functions. Especially, it can work as microRNA sponge to be involved in miRNA-associated diseases, and be regarded as a potential disease screening biomarker. circRNA is widely existing in living bodies, and the majority of circRNA is exonic circRNA. Here, we briefly summarize several kinds of circRNA and their biosynthesis, properties, functions and applications, aiming to help researchers comprehend its research progress and prospective application.

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