(军事医学科学院放射与辐射医学研究所,放射生物学北京市重点实验室,北京 100850)

摘 要:摘 要:RNA 结构具有多样性,RNA 功能依赖于RNA 结构,RNA 结构承载着重要的生物信息。在人脑中,RNA 结构可能承载着记忆信息编码的重要功能。对RNA 结构作为生物信息的载体和人脑中记忆信息的载体,特别是瞬时记忆信息编码的载体进行了探讨。该假说的提出对阐释记忆的分子机制具有重要意义。

RNA structure is associated with biological information and memory
ZHENG Xiao-Fei
(Beijing Key Laboratory for Radiobiology, Institute of Radiation Medicine, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing 100850, China)

Abstract: Abstract: RNA has the characteristics of forming a variety of structures. RNA structure is fundamental to RNA function. RNA structure carries the important biological information on function. In the brain, RNA structure has a bearing on the important functions of memory information code. This review briefly discussed the RNA structure as a carrier of biological information and memory information code in the human brain, especially the carrier of immediate memory information code. This hypothesis offers a new perspective for the interpretation of the molecular mechanism of memory.

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