王 昆1,聂 珂1,黄登烽1,王 晗2,胡 兵1*
(1 中国科学技术大学生命科学学院神经生物与生物物理学系,中国科学院脑功能与脑疾
    病重点实验室,合肥 230027;2 苏州大学生物钟研究中心,苏州 215123)

摘 要:摘 要:斑马鱼视觉系统生物钟相关研究在近些年取得了一定的进展。现主要对斑马鱼视觉系统中受生物钟调控的形态学、视觉功能、电生理等特性进行总结,并初步探讨其内源性机制。同时,也概括了近年来在斑马鱼松果体方面的研究进展,尤其是松果体的感光特性和发育过程,及其在斑马鱼生物钟形成中的作用。

Advances in studies of the circadian clock of the zebrafish visual system
WANG Kun1, NIE Ke1, HUANG Deng-Feng1, WANG Han2, HU Bing1*
(1 Key Laboratory of Brain Function and Disease, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
    School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China; 2 Center for Circadian Clocks, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Advances in studies of the circadian clock of the zebrafish visual system have been made recently. Here we summarized the circadian rhythms of the zebrafish visual system including the morphological changes, visual functions and electrophysiological characters, and discussed the underlying mechanisms primarily. The progress in the field of the zebrafish pineal gland research has been discussed as well, especially the photoreceptive property of the pineal gland and its role in the development of the larval zebrafish biological clock.

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