秦粉菊1,2,陈丽莉1,童 建1*
(1 苏州大学公共卫生学院,苏州 215123;2 苏州科技学院生物科学技术教研室,苏州 215009)

摘 要:摘 要:作为时间生物学的一个主要分支,时间毒理学主要探讨外源性有害因素与内源性生物节律之间的相互作用及其机制,主要的研究内容包括毒物的时间毒性、机体的时间感受性、毒物时间动力学、时间-剂量和时间- 效应关系,以及毒物对生物节律的各种影响。时间毒理学研究的成果,不仅可以阐明化学物或药物时间毒性的发生机制和变化规律,而且可为化学物中毒的诊断、治疗和预防提供新的科学方法和实践途径。

Progress of the study on chronotoxicology
QIN Fen-Ju1,2, CHEN Li- Li1, TONG Jian1*
(1 School of Public Health, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, China; 2 Department of Biological Science and Technology, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009, China)

Abstract: Abstract: As a major branch of chronobiology, chronotoxicology is to explore interactions between environmental xenobiotics and biological rhythms of the organisms. Chronotoxicology mainly deals with chronotoxicity of chemicals, chronotolerance of the organisms, toxicokinetics, time-dose and time-effect relationship, as well as toxic effects of chemicals on biological rhythms. The study of toxicology is aimed to elucidate mechanisms underlying chronotoxicity induced by chemicals or drugs in order to provide new ways in treatment and prevention of intoxication.

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