程 满,余 爽,李 娟,李晓东*
(武汉大学生命科学学院,武汉 430072)

摘 要:摘 要:下丘脑的视交叉上核被称为中枢生物钟,在昼夜节律的产生中起到至关重要的作用。视交叉上核内含有多种类型的神经元,并在神经元化学表型、神经输入和输出方面存在差异,从而在昼夜节律功能中起到不同的作用。现对视交叉上核的神经元组成及在昼夜节律功能中的分化作用进行探讨。利用节律分裂这一现象阐明视交叉上核功能输出的结构基础。同时,也探讨了其他脑区内生物钟的可能功能以及生物钟与其他节律现象( 如食物牵引的振荡器) 的相互关系。

The role of the suprachiasmatic nucleus in circadian rhythm generation
CHENG Man, YU Shuang, LI Juan, LI Xiao-Dong*
(College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)

Abstract: Abstract: The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the anterior hypothalamus is the central pacemaker essential for circadian rhythm generation. Neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus differ in their chemical phenotype and input and output connections. Those neurons play distinct functions in the generation of circadian rhythms. In this article, we provide description of neuronal types in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and their differential roles in circadian rhythm functions. We also discuss the phenomenon of “splitting” and the structural basis of SCN output, the possible functions of circadian oscillators in other brain regions and the relationship of the circadian clock with other oscillations (such as the food entrainable).

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