(河北师范大学生命科学学院, 教育部分子细胞生物学重点实验室;河北省细胞信号与环境适应协同创新中心,石家庄 050024)

摘 要:摘 要:生物钟参与调控植物体几乎全部的生长发育和新陈代谢过程,赋予植物体“预知”外界环境条件变化的能力,使得其生理生化反应与外界环境达到时空同步,从而获取更多的资源,减少能量消耗,增强植物体环境适应性和竞争能力。现概括介绍了植物生物钟领域的最新研究进展,包括由核心调控组分构成的多重转录-翻译反馈环路,特别强调了生物钟输出途径的研究成果,以期促进生物钟基础理论研究应用于农业生产的可行性探索。

Circadian clock and the control of key agronomic traits in higher plants
XIE Qi-Guang, XU Xiao-Dong*
(Key Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Ministry of Education, College of Life Sciences, Hebei Normal University, Hebei Collaboration Innovation Center for Cell Signaling, Shijiazhuang 050024, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Circadian rhythms are generated by an internal timekeeping system that is synchronized to the light-dark and temperature cycles of the planet. Living organisms display fitness advantage from circadian control by anticipating the diurnal and seasonal changes in environments. In the circadian system of Arabidopsis, many clock oscillators were identified, consisted of the multiple transcription-translation feedback loops. In this review, we described the updated network architecture of the plant clock system and discussed many critical output pathways on plant physiology. The current understanding of circadian regulation could lead to important agricultural applications.

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