(北京林业大学园林学院,国家花卉工程技术研究中心,花卉种质创新与分子育种北京市重点实验室,城乡生态环境北京实验室,北京 100083)

摘 要:摘 要:菊花(Chrysanthemum × morifolium Ramat.) 是中国传统名花,也是世界著名花卉,多作为观赏植物被人们所熟知。然而菊花除了极高的观赏价值外,还具有很好的食用价值和药用价值。因此,菊花也是一种药食同源植物。依据用途可将菊花分为观赏菊和实用菊。实用菊依据应用方式又可划分为药用菊、食用菊和茶用菊三类。介绍了实用菊发展的历史,主要对实用菊的种质资源及其药食同源功效进行综述,旨在引起人们对菊花药食同源功效的关注,弘扬中华菊文化,提高菊花的应用价值,进而推动实用菊花种质资源的收集、保存和育种工作的开展。

Efficacy of the medicinal and food chrysanthemum
DAI Si-Lan*, WEN Xiao-Hui
(Beijing Key Laboratory of Ornamental Plants Germplasm Innovation & Molecular Breeding, Beijing Laboratory of Urban and Rural Ecological Environment, National Engineering Research Center for Floriculture, College of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Chrysanthemum is one of the most important ornamentals in China as well as in the world. However, chrysanthemum cultivars not only have the extremely high ornamental value, but also have the effects of medicine while is an edible plant. Thus, chrysanthemum is a precious medicinal and food plant. Chrysanthemum plants in China are divided into ornamental and practical ones. Practical (or edible) chrysanthemum can be divided into three categories: medicinal chrysanthemum, food chrysanthemum, and chrysanthemum tea. After giving a brief review of the chrysanthemum history in China, the authors mainly discuss the practical chrysanthemum germplasm resource and its medicine food homology efficacy. The authors hope to attract attention to the medicinal and food chrysanthemum and also hope to push forward the collection and conservation of chrysanthemum germplasms so as to launch breeding project in this field.

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