单 峰,黄璐琦*,郭 娟,陈 敏
(中国中医科学院中药资源中心道地药材国家重点实验室培育基地,北京 100700)

摘 要:摘 要:“药食同源”是我国劳动人民在食物和药物发现中总结的智慧结晶,体现了食物在保健和治疗方面的功能。在我国古代,劳动者认识到药食同功、同理而亦有界限,并产生了“药食两用”物品这一类群。古代本草,尤其是食物类本草著作,记载了大量的“药食两用”中药材,并对相关原理、功效、禁忌及用法等进行详述,为今天的“药食两用”品种研究提供了宝贵的依据。卫计委( 原卫生部) 颁布的“按照传统既是食品又是药品物品”即是“药食同源”在当前发展的体现,但由于该目录只有名单,带来了一定的问题。本着安全和健康的原则,需结合古今应用情况对名单进行相关修订,并制定相关标准或规则,明确已有品种,并严格把控新品种的纳入。

History and development of “One Root of Medicine and Food”
SHAN Feng, HUANG Lu-Qi*, GUO Juan, CHEN Min
(State Key Laboratory of Dao-di Herbs, National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China)

Abstract: Abstract: The statement of “One Root of Medicine and Food” was one kind of theory based on food and medicine discovery in ancient times, which reflects the edibility and medicinal function of foods. Our ancestors recognized that food and medicine have similar function and principle but with discrimination. Medical literatures of past dynasties record a number of Chinese Medicated Diet, which contains more description of principles, effects, contraindications, and usage. The list of “Both Food and Medicine Substance” was issued by National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China. Since there are only names in this list, a lot of problems have been raised. Therefore, it is essential to formulate standards and rules for the identification and revision of this list, considering both the health and safety principles, as well as the ancient and modern applications.

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