(军事医学科学院卫生学环境医学研究所,天津 300050)

摘 要:摘 要:蔬菜、水果中除了含有人体必需的维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维等营养成分外,还含有各种抗氧化物质,在预防细胞氧化损伤和抗衰老过程中发挥着积极作用。近年来,国内一些研究团队开展了一系列蔬菜、水果抗氧化作用与有效成分的研究工作,取得可喜的研究进展。体外研究结果表明,大部分蔬菜、水果均具有一定的抗氧化活性,以及清除多种自由基的作用;多酚类物质可能是蔬菜、水果发挥抗氧化作用的重要物质。

Research advances in antioxidant capacity and components of vegetables and fruits in China
GUO Chang-Jiang*, GAO Wei-Na, XIE Zong-Kai, PU Ling-Ling, WEI Jing-Yu, YANG Ji-Jun
(Institute of Health and Environmental Medicine, Academy of Military Medical Science, Tianjin 300050, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Vegetable and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and fibers, as well as antioxidants and play an important role in the protection against cellular oxidative stress and aging process. In recent years, several research teams in China have made remarkable progress in the study of antioxidant capacity and components of vegetables and fruits. The results show that most vegetables and fruits possess antioxidant activity to some extent and are effective in scavenging various free radicals. The polyphenols may be a class of antioxidants important in vegetables and fruits.

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