康 宇1,2,陈永昌1,2,牛昱宇1,2*
(1 昆明理工大学生命科学与技术学院,昆明 650500;2 云南中科灵长类生物医学重点实验室,昆明 650500)

摘 要:摘 要:灵长类动物因与人类在遗传、生理和神经功能上的高度相似性而使其在生物医学研究领域中占有非常重要的地位。构建人类疾病的灵长类动物模型,是研究疾病发病机理和探索潜在治疗手段的重要途径,而通过基因编辑的方法获得灵长类动物模型是研究一些遗传性疾病最可靠的方法。灵长类动物基因编辑技术先后经历了传统的转基因和精准基因打靶两个时代。对近年来灵长类动物基因编辑研究进行综述,重点介绍最新的利用核酸酶技术进行精准基因编辑的研究进展。

Research progress of genome editing in nonhuman primates
KANG Yu1,2, CHEN Yong-Chang1,2, NIU Yu-Yu1,2*
(1 Faculty of Life Science and Technology, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China; 2 Yunnan Key Laboratory of Primate Biomedical Research, Kunming 650500, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Nonhuman primates (NHPs) play an important role in the biomedical field research, due to their similarities in genetics, physiological and neurological function to humans. A crucial way to study pathogenic mechanism and potential treatment is to establish animal models of human diseases, especially by gene editing technology. The research progress in genome editing of NHPs has gone through two periods: one is traditional transgenesis and the other is gene targeting. This article gives a brief review about the genome editing in NHPs and focuses on precise genome editing technology.

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