徐 亮1,吴 涛1,陶燕来1,李永军1,季晨阳1,江倩茹1,乐佳清1,钮亭亭2,傅正伟1*
(1 浙江工业大学生物与环境工程学院生理调控实验室,杭州 310014;2 上海体育学院,上海 200438)

摘 要:摘 要:生理节律是一种以内源性生物钟为基础的生理现象,它能使生物体感知并适应外界环境信号的变化。然而,生理节律一旦失调就可能诱发多种代谢相关疾病。研究表明,酒精能够干扰以生物钟为基础的神经、体液的信号转导,降低免疫系统的功能,诱发多种健康问题。综述了酒精与生物钟基因之间的相互作用,以及通过生物钟系统进一步干预行为活动、神经- 内分泌系统和免疫系统相关的生理功能。

Effects of alcohol intake on the mammalian circadian clock
XU Liang1, WU Tao1, TAO Yan-Lai1, LI Yong-Jun1, JI Chen-Yang1, JIANG Qian-Ru1, LE Jia-Qing1, NIU Ting-Ting2, FU Zheng-Wei1*
(1 College of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China; 2 Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Circadian rhythm exists in most organisms, which is mainly generated by an internal biological clock. This biological clock is synchronized to the environmental daily periodicities by external time cues. However, the disruption of normal circadian rhythmicity is usually associated with various diseases such as metabolic disorders. Recent evidences have shown that chronic alcohol intake disrupts a variety of neurochemical and neuroendocrine functions, and impairs the immune system by disturbing the circadian rhythms. These effects of alcohol will finally contribute to a negative health consequence. This review summarized the bidirectional interactions between alcohol and clock genes, and the circadian-modulated behavioral, neuroendocrine, and immune functions.
    Key words: circadian rhythm; mammals; alcohol; clock gene

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