崔志文1,2, 夏 烨1,2, 孙小娟3,蔡志明2,3*
(1 北京大学深圳医院,深圳 518036;2 广东省男性生殖遗传重点实验室,深圳 518036;3 深圳市第二人民医院,深圳 518035)

摘 要:摘要:转化医学(translational medicine)是国际生物医学领域新出现的概念,它作为医学研究的一个分支,试图在基础研究和临床医疗之间建立更直接的联系。近几年来,转化医学受到研究人员和临床医生前所未有的重视,发展极快,其理念已经渗透到生物研究的各个领域。对转化医学的概念、国内外转化医学发展历程进行了归纳总结,并对当前的面临的困难及机遇进行了分析和展望。
关键词: 转化医学;临床医学;基础研究

Domestic and foreign development process and the prospect of translational medicine
CUI Zhi-Wen1,2, XIA Ye1,2, SUN Xiao-Juan3, CAI Zhi-Ming2,3*
(1 Shenzhen Hospital, Peking University, Shenzhen 518036, China; 2 Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital, Shenzhen 518036, China; 3 Guangdong and Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Male Reproductive Medicine and Genetics, Shenzhen 518035, China)

Abstract: Abstract: The translational medicine is a new concept of the international biomedicine, which is as a branch of the medical research for trying to make a more direct correlation between the basic research and clinical medicine. In recent years, the translational medicine is valued by researchers and clinicians, so it has a fast development. Its concept infiltrated into all subjects of the biological research. Herein lies an induction of the translational medicine’s concept and development, and also analyzing the current difficulties and the outlook.
Key words: translational medicine; clinical medicine; basic research

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