朱明库,胡宗利,周 爽,李亚丽,陈国平*
(重庆大学生物工程学院,重庆 400044)

摘 要:文章编号:1004-0374(2012)03-0255-07

摘 要:植物叶色白化是一类明显和常见的叶绿素缺失突变,在植物光合作用机理、激素生理、核- 质基因组相互作用、遗传育种等理论研究和实际应用方面均具有无可替代的价值。主要综述了近年来国内外有关白化突变体与叶绿素合成的关系、影响白化的内外因素、相关基因的克隆以及克服白化的途径等方面的研究进展,旨在为深入研究植物叶色白化突变提供参考。
中图分类号:Q945.8 ;S184 文献标志码:A

Research progress of plant leaf albino
ZHU Ming-Ku, HU Zong-Li, ZHOU Shuang, LI Ya-Li, CHEN Guo-Ping*
(College of Bioengineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China)

Abstract: Plant leaf albino is an obvious and common chlorophyll deficient mutation, which plays a very important role in both theoretical research and practical applications, including photosynthetic mechanism, hormone physiology, nuclear-plastid genome interaction and genetic breeding, etc. To provide a reference for in-depth study on plant leaf albino, this paper mainly reviews the research progress in the relationship between albino mutant and chlorophyll biosynthesis and its internal and external factors, gene cloning and the approaches to overcome albino.
Key words: albino; chlorophyll; influencing factors; gene cloning

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