(温州医学院附属浙江省台州医院中心实验室,临海 317000)

摘 要:1004-0374(2012)03-0242-08

摘 要:人类白细胞抗原-G(human leukocyte antigen G, HLA-G) 属于非经典的HLA I 类分子,是机体内重要的免疫耐受分子。HLA-G 可以与表达在免疫细胞上的受体结合直接发挥免疫抑制功能,同时通过诱导产生调节性T 细胞(regulatory T cells, Treg) 或“Trogocytosis”机制参与机体的免疫耐受,以协助肿瘤细胞实现免疫逃逸。近年来研究发现,HLA-G 在多种恶性肿瘤中均存在异常表达并抑制宿主的抗肿瘤免疫反应。对HLA-G 在肿瘤中的表达及可能的作用机制研究进展作一综述。
关键词:HLA-G ;肿瘤;免疫耐受
中图分类号:R392.1; R73-36 文献标志码:A

Recent progress of HLA-G in cancer
RUAN Yan-Yun, YAN Wei-Hua, LIN Ai-Fen*
(Laboratory Center, Wenzhou Medical College Affiliated Taizhou Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Linhai 317000, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Human leukocyte antigen-G (HLA-G), a non-classical HLA class I molecule, is an important immunotolerant. HLA-G could directly inhibit biological functions of immune cells by binding to receptors expressed in these cells, and HLA-G-mediated immune tolerance could be extended to induce regulatory T cells (Tregs) and by the mechanism of “Trogocytosis”. To date, HLA-G expression in malignancies has been intensively investigated. We here discuss current findings on HLA-G expression and its possible mechanisms in malignancies.
Key words: HLA-G; cancer; immune tolerance

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