(温州医学院附属浙江省台州医院中心实验室,临海 317000)

摘 要:摘 要:非经典人类白细胞抗原G (human leukocyte antigen -G, HLA-G) 是机体内一类重要的免疫调节分子,包括膜结合型HLA-G (mHLA-G) 及可溶性HLA-G (sHLA-G) 两种分子表达形式。HLA-G 分子可通过与受体结合直接抑制多种免疫活性细胞的生物学功能,或通过诱导产生免疫调节细胞间接抑制机体的免疫应答。研究显示,HLA-G 基因多态性及分子表达在母胎免疫、感染、自身免疫病及肿瘤的发生发展中均有重要意义。对HLA-G 在自身免疫病中的作用作一综述。
关键词:HLA-G ;基因多态性;自身免疫病
中图分类号:R392.1 文献标志码:A

The relationship between HLA-G and autoimmune diseases
XU Dan-Ping, LIN Ai-Fen, YAN Wei-Hua*
(Laboratory Center, Wenzhou Medical College Affiliated Taizhou Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Linhai 317000, China)


Abstract: Non-classical human leukocyte antigen-G, an important immune regulatory molecule, plays a critical role in various physiological and pathological situations. It contains two molecular forms, membrane-bound HLA-G (mHLA-G) and soluble HLA-G(sHLA-G). Both mHLA-G and sHLA-G could directly inhibit biological functions of immune cells by binding to receptors, or indirectly inhibit the immune response by inducing regulatory cells.  Previous studies have shown that both gene polymorphisms and the expression of HLA-G are associated with maternal-fetal immunity, infection, autoimmune disease and the development of tumor. In the present review, we discuss current findings on the function of HLA-G in autoimmune diseases.
Key words: human leukocyte antigen-G; gene polymorphisms; autoimmune diseases

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