(昆明理工大学生物工程与技术研究中心,昆明 650500)

摘 要:摘 要:极地和深海是地球上较为独特的生态系统,生活在其中的生物由于长期处于低温、寡营养和黑暗封闭的环境中,大多缺乏基本的光合作用,而被认为是研究生命进化和地球环境演化等问题的“活化石”。在这样的极端环境中,低温噬菌体的丰度却很高,越来越多的证据表明它们在维持这类环境的生态平衡和调控生物地球化学循环等方面扮演着非常重要的角色。对极地与深海中低温噬菌体的研究进行简要综述。

Research advances on the cold-active phages in polar regions and deep sea
LI Ming-Yuan, JI Xiu-Ling, WEI Yun-Lin*
(Biotechnology Research Center, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China)

Abstract: Abstract: As unique ecological systems on the earth, polar regions and deep sea are low-temperature, oligotrophic, dark and enclosed extreme environments. Due to lack of photosynthesis, most organisms in these environments are considered as “living fossils” for the research of life evolution and environmental evolution of the earth. Phages are abundant in those extreme environments. More and more evidences have indicated that phages have an important role in regulation of global biogeochemical cycles and maintenance of ecosystem balance. Here, we briefly review the advances in the research of cold-active phages in the polar regions and deep sea.
Key words: polar regions; deep sea; cold-active phages; ecological balance

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