(复旦大学上海医学院人体解剖与组织胚胎学系,上海 200032)

摘 要:摘 要:溶酶体具有高度保守的异质性,是细胞自噬的关键细胞器。细胞质中的蛋白质和细胞器最终在溶酶体降解,故溶酶体在维持细胞结构和功能的平衡方面起着重要生理作用。通过自噬溶酶体途径,细胞可清除某些病原体并参与抗原呈递。细胞自噬与异噬经溶酶体密切联系。自噬过程中溶酶体功能障碍与某些疾病和衰老等相关。对细胞自噬的溶酶体途径及其功能意义作了概述。

Functional implications of lymsosomal pathways for cell autophagy
WANG Hai-Jie*, TAN Yu-Zhen
(Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Shanghai Medical School of Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Lysosome represents a high conserved heterogeneity and is a key organelle for cell autophagy. Cytoplasmic protein and cellular organelles are eventually degraded within lysosomes. Lymosome plays important physiological roles in maintaining equilibrium of cellular structures and functions. Lysosomal pathways of autophagy are effective for cells to eliminate some kinds of pathogens and involved in antigen presentation. Autophagic pathway is linked to heterophagic pathway in lysosomes. During autophagy processes, impairment of lysosomal functions is implicated in some diseases and aging. In this review, we highlight lysosomal pathways of cell autophagy and their functional implications.
Key words: lysosome; autophagy; macroautophagy; microautophagy; chaperone-mediated autophagy

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