张 盈,夏 琳,逄文强,王 涛,张建法*
(南京理工大学分子代谢中心,南京 210094)

摘 要:摘 要:腺苷酸激酶(AK)是催化各种腺嘌呤核苷酸相互转化的一种磷酸转移酶,其在维持细胞能量平衡中起着重要的作用。AK有七种亚型,在线粒体、胞浆、细胞核之间的能量转移和分布中起着至关重要的作用。细胞内、细胞外和血液中的AMP水平是机体能量感知、睡眠、冬眠和食物摄取的代谢信号。高于或低于正常水平的AMP信号与人类疾病相关。AK及其下游的AMP信号组成了一个完整的代谢监测系统,通过检测细胞能量状态变化,从而调整对代谢感受器传递的信号。详细阐述了AK和AMP在感知及维持机体能量中的作用。

The function of AK and AMP signaling in body energy sensing and balance
ZHANG Ying, XIA Lin, PANG Wen-Qiang, WANG Tao, ZHANG Jian-Fa*
(Center for Molecular Metabolism, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)

Abstract: Adenylate kinase(AK) is a phosphotransferase enzyme that catalyzes the interconversion of adenine nucleotides, and plays an important role in cellular energy homeostasis. The enzyme has seven isoforms, and plays a critical role in energy transfer and distribution between mitochondria, cytosol and nucleus. AMP levels in cellular, interstitial and blood are potential metabolic signals associated with body energy sensing, sleep, hibernation and food intake. Either low or excess AMP signaling has been linked to human disease. AK and downstream AMP signaling is an integrated metabolic monitoring system, which reads the cellular energy state in order to tune and report signals to metabolic sensors. The function of AK and AMP signaling in body energy sensing and balance is reviewed in details here.
Key words: AK; AMP; signal communication; energy balance

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